Mibau Stema Group

Dirdal Quarry

Quality solutions for land and sea

Products that stand up to the elements

The Dirdal quarry (formerly known as Norsk Stein Dirdal) is designed and operated to serve the offshore industry,  which accounts for most of its production and delivered material. A secondary product is a subbase, which is exported across Europe and used locally. The annual production varies according to market demand.

The quarry has 13 dedicated full-time employees and one apprentice trainee.

Reserves exceed 14 million tonnes at present.

Dirdal Facts

  • Yearly production: 1 mil. tonnes 

  • Loading quay(s): 1+(1) 

  • Loading speed
    Up to 4000 tonnes/hrs.

  • Operation
     only for loading vessel; Production kl. 06.00-22.00  

  • Reserves: > 12,7 mio. tonnes

  • Main product (ranging): Offshore Gradings

  • Secondary products: Subbase

  • Limitation vessel: LOA max 250 meters / Draft 15 meters